From Pastor Rod -From December 2018 Newsletter
With the cancelled service because of snow in November, Advent seems to have really sneaked up on us. Advent is certainly a time of celebration and anticipation of Christ’s birth, but it is more than that. It is only in the reflection of Advent that the miracle of Christmas can be fully understood and appreciated. And, it is only in the light of Christmas that our life as followers of Jesus Christ makes any sense.
When we light the Advent candles each week, we talk of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace. We try to focus on expectation and anticipation of Christ’s birth in the season leading up to Christmas.
This is of course, all well and good. But this Advent season, I invite you to look at a different Advent as well. I want you to also think about the expectation of the coming year in our own church. The word “Advent” is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming.” What is coming for us here at Auburn Presbyterian in the new church year? What can be new and different? How can you yourself go above and beyond what you normally do to advance the life of our church?
When you look back at this time next year, what areas of growth will you have seen in yourself and our church? Where did you find moments of success and fulfillment? When was a time that you helped lead or facilitate positive change?
Advent signifies the beginning of a new church year. As a season of preparation, Advent is a good time to examine our own activity within the church. What are we doing as a mission? Can you help as an elder, serve on the session, or volunteer to work on a committee? Can you invite a friend, or welcome a visitor?
The promise for the church is Jesus Christ. He has come, and He will come again. This is the true essence of Advent.
Advent blessings to you all,
Rod Seel